By: William Bauder, CPA, CGMA, CITP- Manager of Assurance and Risk Advisory Services
Client service is the top priority for all of us at Holbrook & Manter. This means more than communicating with clients and executing their tasks in a timely manner- it means staying on top of what is happening in not only our industry but their industry as well. It also means obtaining the education, training and credentials needed to be positioned as the best possible adviser for them.
I recently became a registered Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP) for this very reason. I can be a better asset to our clients if I stay up to date with changes in technology. Becoming a CITP has allowed me to display to current and prospective clients, as well as others within the profession, that I take my career and the needs of our clients seriously.
Hacks are becoming more and more common. We have all heard about these stories in the news or around the office about big companies being hacked (think Target, Home Depot, etc). However, companies of all sizes and types run into this crippling issue as well, we just often times don’t hear about it because it doesn’t make the news.
Working with a CITP like me can’t provide a guarantee that a security breach could never happen to your business (no certification can), but it has armed me with the tools to know what controls should be in place to minimize exposure.
The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) explains that CPAs who hold the CITP Credential are recognized for their technology expertise and ability to bridge the gap between business and technology. Unlike other certifications, the CITP Credential recognizes technical expertise across a wide range of business technology practice areas. This unique, multi-disciplinary perspective enables the CPA/CITP to help employers or clients better navigate IT-related risk and the opportunities that technology affords.
I’m proud to be a CITP and would be honored to work with you to protect your business. Please contact us today for more information on our risk advisory services.